Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Look for Today

Searching for the Card No luck

In search for a Yugio Card

Today my b/f and I decided to go to china town to search for a card he's looking for. No luck = ( but at least I got my favorite magazine. I know is either Chinese or Japanese but I love this magazine. There style of clothing amazing and for the price of the magazine not bad either. Here where i get most of my ideas for hair, nails, clothing etc. I also love going to china town because of the bakery and small stores I enjoy going to. I always get my favorite drink which is strawberry milk shake with tapioca balls inside so yummy, didn't get it this time but is ok next I will.

Disclaimer I did not receive this product for free I am not affiliate with the company in any way. I purchased this item with my own money. I am not getting paid to use this product in my video.

Small Haul

So here are some of the things I picked up when I went to Queens Yesterday June 20,2009.

Disclaimer I did not receive this product for free I am not affiliate with the company in any way. I purchased this item with my own money. I am not getting paid to use this product in my video.